
Via pip

Since SEM is under active development, the recommended method to get all the latest features is using pip to install directly from the develop branch of the Github repository:

pip3 install --user -U

This will install the sem package and its dependencies in your current python library path. This same command can also be re-issued to update the library.

Alternatively, the master branch is more stable but also offers fewer features:

pip3 install

In any case, SEM can be removed from the system by issuing:

pip3 uninstall sem

Installing ns-3

An ns-3 installation is required to use SEM. Detailed setup instructions for ns-3 are available here, however, in most cases, cloning the ns-3 project is enough to get started. The following command downloads the development version of ns-3 to the ns-3-dev folder:

git clone ns-3-dev

Optionally, from the ns-3-dev folder, one can then checkout a precise ns-3 release with the following command:

git checkout ns-3.29