Source code for sem.runner

import subprocess
import re
import os
import uuid
import time
from tqdm import tqdm
import importlib

[docs]class SimulationRunner(object): """ The class tasked with running simulations and interfacing with the ns-3 system. """ ################## # Initialization # ################## def __init__(self, path, script, optimized=True): """ Initialization function. Args: path (str): absolute path to the ns-3 installation this Runner should lock on. script (str): ns-3 script that will be used by this Runner. optimized (bool): whether this Runner should build ns-3 with the optimized profile. """ # Save member variables self.path = path self.script = script if optimized: # For old ns-3 installations, the library is in build, while for # recent ns-3 installations it's in build/lib. Both paths are # thus required to support all versions of ns-3. library_path = "%s:%s" % ( os.path.join(path, 'build/optimized'), os.path.join(path, 'build/optimized/lib')) else: library_path = "%s:%s" % ( os.path.join(path, 'build/'), os.path.join(path, 'build/lib')) # We use both LD_ and DYLD_ to support Linux and Mac OS. self.environment = { 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': library_path, 'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH': library_path} # Configure and build ns-3 self.configure_and_build(path, optimized=optimized) # ns-3's build status output is used to get the executable path for the # specified script. if optimized: build_status_path = os.path.join(path, 'build/optimized/') else: build_status_path = os.path.join(path, 'build/') # By importing the file, we can naturally get the dictionary try: # This only works on Python >= 3.5 spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location('build_status', build_status_path) build_status = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(build_status) except (AttributeError): # This happens in Python <= 3.4 import imp build_status = imp.load_source('build_status', build_status_path) # Search is simple: we look for the script name in the program field. # Note that this could yield multiple matches, in case the script name # string is contained in another script's name. # matches contains [program, path] for each program matching the script matches = [{'name': program, 'path': os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, program))} for program in build_status.ns3_runnable_programs if self.script in program] if not matches: raise ValueError("Cannot find %s script" % self.script) # To handle multiple matches, we take the 'better matching' option, # i.e., the one with length closest to the original script name. match_percentages = map(lambda x: {'name': x['name'], 'path': x['path'], 'percentage': len(self.script)/len(x['name'])}, matches) self.script_executable = max(match_percentages, key=lambda x: x['percentage'])['path'] if "scratch" in self.script_executable: if optimized: self.script_executable = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(path, "build/optimized/scratch", self.script)) else: self.script_executable = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(path, "build/scratch", self.script)) ############# # Utilities # #############
[docs] def configure_and_build(self, show_progress=True, optimized=True, skip_configuration=False): """ Configure and build the ns-3 code. Args: show_progress (bool): whether or not to display a progress bar during compilation. optimized (bool): whether to use an optimized build. If False, use a standard ./waf configure. skip_configuration (bool): whether to skip the configuration step, and only perform compilation. """ # Only configure if necessary if not skip_configuration: configuration_command = ['python', 'waf', 'configure', '--enable-examples', '--disable-gtk', '--disable-python'] if optimized: configuration_command += ['--build-profile=optimized', '--out=build/optimized'] # Check whether path points to a valid installation, cwd=self.path, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # Build ns-3 build_process = subprocess.Popen(['python', 'waf', 'build'], cwd=self.path, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # Show a progress bar if show_progress: line_iterator = self.get_build_output(build_process) pbar = None try: [initial, total] = next(line_iterator) pbar = tqdm(line_iterator, initial=initial, total=total, unit='file', desc='Building ns-3', smoothing=0) for current, total in pbar: pbar.n = current except (StopIteration): if pbar is not None: pbar.n = else: # Wait for the build to finish anyway build_process.communicate()
[docs] def get_build_output(self, process): """ Parse the output of the ns-3 build process to extract the information that is needed to draw the progress bar. Args: process: the subprocess instance to listen to. """ while True: output = process.stdout.readline() if output == b'' and process.poll() is not None: if process.returncode > 0: raise Exception("Compilation ended with an error" ".\nSTDERR\n%s\nSTDOUT\n%s" % (, return if output: # Parse the output to get current and total tasks # This assumes the progress displayed by waf is in the form # [current/total] matches ='\[\s*(\d+?)/(\d+)\].*', output.strip().decode('utf-8')) if matches is not None: yield [int(, int(]
[docs] def get_available_parameters(self): """ Return a list of the parameters made available by the script. """ # At the moment, we rely on regex to extract the list of available # parameters. This solution will break if the format of the output # changes, but this is the best option that is currently available. result = subprocess.check_output([self.script_executable, '--PrintHelp'], env=self.environment, cwd=self.path).decode('utf-8') # Isolate the list of parameters options = re.findall('.*Program\s(?:Options|Arguments):' '(.*)General\sArguments.*', result, re.DOTALL) global_options = subprocess.check_output([self.script_executable, '--PrintGlobals'], env=self.environment, cwd=self.path).decode('utf-8') # Get the single parameter names args = [] if len(options): args += re.findall('.*--(.*?)[?::|=].*', options[0], re.MULTILINE) if len(global_options): args += [k for k in re.findall('.*--(.*?)[?::|=].*', global_options, re.MULTILINE) if k not in ['RngRun', 'RngSeed', 'SchedulerType', 'SimulatorImplementationType', 'ChecksumEnabled']] return sorted(args) # Return a sorted list
###################### # Simulation running # ######################
[docs] def run_simulations(self, parameter_list, data_folder): """ Run several simulations using a certain combination of parameters. Yields results as simulations are completed. Args: parameter_list (list): list of parameter combinations to simulate. data_folder (str): folder in which to save subfolders containing simulation output. """ for idx, parameter in enumerate(parameter_list): current_result = { 'params': {}, 'meta': {} } current_result['params'].update(parameter) command = [self.script_executable] + ['--%s=%s' % (param, value) for param, value in parameter.items()] # Run from dedicated temporary folder current_result['meta']['id'] = str(uuid.uuid4()) temp_dir = os.path.join(data_folder, current_result['meta']['id']) os.makedirs(temp_dir) start = time.time() # Time execution stdout_file_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'stdout') stderr_file_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'stderr') with open(stdout_file_path, 'w') as stdout_file, open( stderr_file_path, 'w') as stderr_file: return_code =, cwd=temp_dir, env=self.environment, stdout=stdout_file, stderr=stderr_file) end = time.time() # Time execution if return_code > 0: complete_command = [self.script] complete_command.extend(command[1:]) complete_command = "python waf --run \"%s\"" % ( ' '.join(complete_command)) with open(stdout_file_path, 'r') as stdout_file, open( stderr_file_path, 'r') as stderr_file: raise Exception(('Simulation exited with an error.\n' 'Params: %s\n' '\nStderr: %s\n' 'Stdout: %s\n' 'Use this command to reproduce:\n' '%s' % (parameter,,, complete_command))) current_result['meta']['elapsed_time'] = end-start yield current_result